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Aarschot - BE

City of Aarschot to grant additional subsidies for flood preventive measures

The city of Aarschot will grant extra subsidies for flood preventive measures. For some time now, the province has been giving subsidies to anyone who suffers from water nuisance. For example, people can get 75% of the proven costs back if they carry out flood prevention works, with a maximum of 7,500 euros for an inhabited dwelling or a building used for professional purposes and 10,000 euros for a building used collectively. On top of this provincial subsidy, the city of Aarschot will now give an additional subsidy of 15% of the proven costs for the implementation of water-preventing measures.

‘Water prevention is a priority for the town council. Our goal is to reinforce the efforts by the province and to help our residents invest in the fight against water nuisance,’ says mayor Gwendolyn Rutten. The CD&V opposition is also happy with the initiative. ‘We are pleased that the city is doing this. I am the deputy for waterways, and I have been advocating this for 12 years,’ says councillor Monique Swinnen (CD&V). The province has already made several pay-outs to Aarschot citizens. We are hoping that the city will also look at these dossiers and grant our citizens an additional 15% compensation’.

Read also the HLN article online