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Lier - BE

Heilig Hart Hospital

This hospital in Lier is located next to the diversion canal of the river Nethe, in a flood-prone area. The entrances to the A & E, the ambulance service, the mortuary and the suppliers’ entrances are all at basement level. In addition, the drainage pipes from the car park and roofs are connected to collection tanks under these entrances. From there, the water is pumped into the nearby canal. In case of flooding, the pumps are unable to process the large volume of water and the water gets via the lower entrances. 
The hospital repeatedly had to deal with water inflow.


Because all entrances are quite wide, Muro stoplogs were installed. In the meantime, the stoplogs have been closed several times already. In most cases as a preventive measure, but in one instance, they proved their worth by keeping 25 centimetres of water out.