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Zeebrugge - BE

Port of Zeebrugge

Aggéres installed modular stoplogs that close off two openings of 6.5 metres wide in case of an imminent flood threat. The modular stop logs with a height of 1.5 metres are used in the event of approaching storms, and protect the port against wave overtopping.


Aggéres also designed, manufactured and installed 4 large storm gates in collaboration with the company SPIE on behalf of the Verhelst Group for the Agency for Maritime Services and the Coast (MDK). Four electromechanically driven steel roller gates with dimensions up to 16 meters long and 1.6 meters high close the dyke openings in the event of a disaster warning. As such, they form part of the flood protection in Zeebrugge.

View the report of by FOCUS WTV: “Port of Zeebrugge better protected from severe storms”.